Core Principles of Game Desgin

Time line of last 40 years and how far game and console development has come.

Game engine are like a package of unique features including;
Main game
Game engines are the software for games
Unity and Unreal- are known Game engines
Game engines are software used by game developers to create games and contain many features to make game design easier and faster for the developer but these engines do have limitations like poly count resulting in low poly, blocky, not too realistic game.

Games used to be handmade from scratch all the coding was done outside an engine although this took longer to create games and were less efficient and were also harder to create games with, they had less limits so you could have a high poly detailed game but even though a game could be high poly it would affect the game play by slowing the game down, having to render in extra polys.

Overtime game engines have gotten cheaper and better at game creation to where as well known games are being made on them since they’re that good and reliable plus they’re faster and more efficient to work on.

The game engines handle the graphics of the game which is the visual game play of the game surroundings, objects, etc.
The user input which is how you play the game whether its on keyboard and mouse or a controller.
The scripts which can be substituted for blue prints and are a lot easier to use and understand plus they’re a lot less hassle to learn.
The physics which is how the objects are interacted with like being pushed and falling.

Unreal engine is one of many engines commonly used and is free like some engines, unreal gives you the option to use either blueprints or scripts and you have a starter character depending on the layout you choose. Epic games developed unreal and have since released a well known game; fortnite.

Game Pitch Feedback: Our presentation wasn’t long enough so we still had quite a bit of remaining time left and how we could of talked about characters and the story more by adding key words instead of long paragraphs to remind us what to say. Try to grab the attention of other and dont read word from word off of the presentation sort of go on your own path whilst staying on the topic of what your pitch is about.

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